Sabtu, 10 November 2012


Permit me to tell you, world

that i am really looking for my self determination about what i gotta do next in my life
studying medicine..? go through out science and so on
coz now i am not in mood in doing anything else but i must

coz i suddenly feel like i am not on either stabilized nor the right step

i need more guide, more clues

or i just playing in this lazyness?

but all i feel is guilty

i am sorry world, for not being honest from the start
i am sorry for putting these things behind
i am sorry because i practically face you, talk to you, without being really care
and now i am talking like this
you would understand i think, but it would make distance between us, so i am sorry
i still love you
i now you exist in this dimension with meaning
you came, you smile, you touch my heart all the time
telling me i shouldn't have this kind of disguise

regards, zahrin

turn up

Semakin sangsi kalau aku orang 'media' atau bahkan 'jurnalistik'. I don't have any sense about it anymore, or even doing and enjoying it.

Human body.
That's what i concern all about.


I know i had given up

I am giving up what i want the most
for what i want now

Never thought this could happened

Ok, now i learn that that's the importance of dreaming, remembering what we want/search/yearn most

oh Allah....

Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

Pelajar Jogja, Pelajar Istimewa. 

Banyak potensi yang dimiliki oleh pelajar Jogja. Lembaga Edukasi Kepemimpinan dan Keorganisasian (LEKKP) Epicentrum adalah lembaga yang fokus pada pembinaan potensi kepemimpinan dan keorganisasian di kalangan pelajar.
Sama halnya dengan pusat gempa, itulah filosofi LEKKP Epicentrum yang berusaha menjadi pusat yang menggerakkan pelajar menjadi pelajar yang aktif dan berjiwa kepemimpinan. Semoga dapat berkontribusi lahirnya pemimpin-pemimpin bangsa ini dari tunas bangsa yang kita bina.

Learner Now, Leader Tomorrow!

Salam pelajar Jogja :))